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July 30: Lonboard: Fast, Interactive Geospatial Vector Data Visualization in Jupyter & JS


Note the 7 PM start time.

This month’s meetup is about interactive maps in Python with a JavaScript foundation, brought to us by Kyle Barron.

Thank you to NYU for hosting us.

Everybody attending must RSVP through the registration form at There is a charge for in-person and virtual tickets are free. Space is extremely limited and in-person registration closes at 3 PM the day of the talk.

About the Talk:Lonboard is a new Python library for geospatial vector data visualization that can be 50x faster than existing alternatives like ipyleaflet or pydeck. Under the hood are separate APIs for fast geospatial visualization from JavaScript. This talk will explain why this library is so fast, how it integrates into existing workflows, and planned future improvements.

About Kyle:Kyle is a software engineer at Development Seed where he builds open source tools and infrastructure that process and visualize geospatial data. He has expertise in cloud-native geospatial vector data formats, speeding up Python and JavaScript applications from Rust, spatial indexes, and efficient data pipelines. Kyle holds a B.A. in Economics, minoring in Mathematics from the University of California, Los Angeles which he earned in 2017.

Kyle previously worked as a software engineer at Unfolded and then Foursquare, building browser-based geospatial data visualizations on the web for vector and raster data.

The venue doors open at 6:30 PM America/New_York where we will continue enjoying pizza together (we encourage the virtual audience to have pizza as well). The talk, and livestream, begins at 7:00 PM America/New_York.

Remember, register below!
